DMTN-024: Pybind11 coding guidelines

  • Pim Schellart

Latest Revision: 2016-07-02


This document has been superseded by the pybind11 information in the LSST DM Developer Guide.

This document describes coding guidelines for using pybind11 within LSST.

1. Modules and source files

1-1. Wrapper modules SHOULD be named after the header they wrap with an underscore prefix

If a module wraps header.h the wrapper implementation should be in and the module name should be _header.


Unlike what we currently have with Swig there is no Lib suffix.

1-2. Pure Python code SHOULD go in a module named after the header without a pre or suffix

So the pure Python code that extends functionality from _header goes in

1-3. Pure Python code MAY go into a differently named file to avoid circular imports

If circular imports would otherwise happen when applying 1-2 the pure Python code may go into another file.

1-4. There SHOULD be one module for each wrapped header file

By wrapping into separate modules (to be combined in __init__) we reduce compilation and linking time.

2. Naming conventions

2-1. Module object names SHOULD be mod or camel case prefixed with mod

If a wrapper only contains one module the name of the object should be mod. Otherwise it should be camel case prefixed with mod as in modExample.

2-2. Class object names SHOULD be cls or camel case prefixed with cls

If a wrapper only contains one class the name of the object should be cls. Otherwise it should be camel case prefixed with cls as in clsExample.

3. Holder types

3-1. The default unique_ptr holder type SHOULD be used where possible

By not specifying a holder type explicitly it becomes unique_ptr. This is to be preferred (over shared_ptr).

3-2. A shared_ptr holder type MAY be used where nessesary

Only to be used where required.